Part of United Way’s Professionals Campaign is the Healthcare Heroes Circle. This Circle gives healthcare workers an opportunity to donate and advocate for a cause that hits close to home. Your contribution supports our efforts to address and fight mental health and substance abuse, early childhood obesity, housing affordability, and basic needs. This directly contributes to UWRCC’s progress towards Bold Goals 2030, which you can learn more about here.
The success of our local United Way is critical to the future of our community. United Way’s unique value lies in its ability to identify issues, develop partnerships, implement solutions, and measure results. Your support translates into the success of United Way and the determination to fulfill its mission and vision.
We invite you to consider becoming a member of the Healthcare Heroes Circle, which involves a leadership-level gift of $1,000.
Become a Member Today
Click here to download a Healthcare Heroes Circle pledge form.
For questions or to make a gift, please contact Kara Carpenter at Kara.Carpenter@yourlocaluw.org or 615-893-7303.